“The List”
Since I take a while to write my stories, I like to feature books from other authors whenever I can. It's my way of saying thanks for being patient! The List is updated every day so you always have access to what's hot right now.
fAntasy ROmance
If you’re waiting for my next book to come out and need a fae lover to sweep you off your feet, check out AMAZON'S CURRENT TOP 100 FANTASY ROMANCE BOOKS.
PAranOrmal ROmance
Skews towards vampires and shifters and werewolves. Ready for your next read? Hop on over to browse AMAZON'S CURRENT TOP 100 PARANORMAL ROMANCE TITLES.
spice it up with erotic fantasy & PnR
Looking for a romp with a fae, demon, or a vampire? Take your pick! AMAZON'S CURRENT TOP 100 EROTIC FANTASY & PNR & FANTASY TITLES.
CLICK HERE for Erotic Science Fiction & Fantasy
Prefer Paranormal Romance? CLICK HERE
CLICK HERE for the hottest Fantasy Romance.